Trend alert: Matt Black Kitchens

You probably noticed that matt black kitchens are trending right now. I have to admit, they are very cool. Now, just because everyone else is doing it, doesn’t mean you should do it too (do I sound like your mother?).

Hey, I’m all for it but let’s take a minute to think about whether you would actually enjoy a black kitchen in your home.  I’ve got some fantastic pictures to show you too.

Black is the most powerful colour, although it’s technically not a colour at all.  It can conjure up images of mystery and magic.  As well as elegance and sleek sophistication.  It particularly teams well with a minimalist aesthetic.

If you need help putting together a matt black kitchen.  As always, I'm happy to be of service!

Verity Jayne

I’m a freelance interior designer, specialising in joinery drafting and 3D renderings.

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